"Kamis siang (6/9), kabut asap masih menyelimuti pantai timur Jambi, akibat kebakaran hutan rawa-gambut penyimpan karbon terbesar di Provinsi Jambi. Tim pemadam kebakaran hutan dari gabungan Balai TN Berbak dan BKSDA Jambi menemukan jejak harimau pada lokasi kebakaran. ", Nurazman, Kepala Sekwil III BKSDA Jambi, pada Kamis (5/9). Para peneliti meyakini, kebakaran hutan sebagai salah satu faktor pemberi kontribusi dalam kepunahan lokal harimau di sepanjang Pulau Sumatera. SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend Bookmark and Share



New Attractions At The Bangor State Fair

by Rob Poindexter · Jul 30th 2009 · See more Local News

Crews are busy putting on the finishing touches as the Bangor State Fair gets underway friday afternoon at 2:00. The new opening times are 2:00 monday thru friday and noon on saturday and sunday.

Admission is $10 and not only gets you in the front gate, but also unlimited access to all the rides. "We have the most popular teenage rides," says E.J. Dean Vice President of Fiesta Shows, "the remix being behind us, the freak out, and the zipper, among a few." If you're not feeling quite that daring there are other alternatives. en we have some of the family rides," says Dean," the tilt-a whirl for you know all the nostalgia of going to the carnival over the years, the merry-go-round, funhouses and dark rides. whether you're a teenager wanting to go on some thrill seeking mission to a grandparent enjoying the memories you had as a child with your grandchildren." Some traditional favorites will be gone from this year's fair, like the tractor pull and demoliton derby. Organizers fear if the track is torn up, it could injure some of the horses. However there are some new attractions like a group of bengal tigers. "Well your going to see eight bengal tigers," says Mike Inks a handler with Marcan Tiger Preserve, "bengal tigers are native to india. a lot of people don't know there are four different colors that bengal tigers come in, the most rare being the snow white bengal tiger, there's only about 40 of those in the world so it's a great opportunity to see them up close and personal right here in your hometown." Some popular acts will be back as well, like the Dsconnected K9's dog show, returning for its second year. "It's a 30 minute show, we do three shows a day, all the dog's routines are choreographed to music and the dogs are having fun catching frisbees." This act actually features a world champion. "This is Harley Davidson and Harley is the current world frisbee dog champion he's a 5-year-old border collie." You can see Harley and the bengal tigers as well as all the attractions starting Friday at 2:00. For all the fair information log on to their website Note: This article was edited to include only the information on the tiger show which is billed as "Tigers of India" . The complete article can be found at the following link: Sumber : Milist Save The Tigers

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Anak Harimau Temuan Warga Jambi, Meninggal dalam Perawatan Esktra
Anak Harimau Temuan Warga Jambi, Meninggal dalam Perawatan Esktra
oleh : Adnun Salampessy, S.hut
06-Sep-2012, 16:30 WIB

KabarIndonesia - Salah satu ekor anak harimau temuan warga Sungai Gelam dikabarkan telah meninggal tadi malam setelah mendapatkan perawatan kesehatan ekstra tenaga medis oleh Drh. Melly di Kebun Binatang Taman Rimbo, Jambi.

"Anak harimau yang satu ...
"Anggaran yang tersedia untuk kegiatan konservasi di kawasan hutan sangat minim yakni hanya 4 dolar AS per hektar. Sangat jauh ketimbang Malaysia 20 dolar AS per hektar.Padahal, konservasi harimau dan satwa dilindungi lainnya butuh dana besar. Idealnya 18 dolar AS per hektar bisa tersedia untuk kegiatan konservasi di 26 juta hektar kawasan hutan lindung dan konservasi.Karena dana minim itu, pemerintah ajak swasta untuk sisihkan dana CSR-nya untuk kegiatan konservasi itu. Apalagi total dana CSR perusahaan di Indonesia sampai Rp20 triliun, kalau Rp1 triliun saja untuk konservasi itu sangat membantu," papar Darori, Dirjen PHKA Kemenhut, usai Lokakarya Penggalangan Sumberdaya untuk Pelaksana Rencana Nasional Pemulihan Harimau Sumatera, pada Selasa, 17 Januari 2012.
Photo : "Wild Sumatran tiger" by Michael Lowe, 2006, Wikimedia Commons.

Taman Nasional yang telah ditetapkan untuk tujuan pelestarian Harimau Sumatera yaitu TN Gunung Leuser, TN Batang Gadis, TN Tesso Nilo, TN Bukit Tigapuluh, TN Berbak, TN Kerinci Seblat, TN Bukit Barisan Selatan dan TN Sembilang,” Bambang ISmubagio Kasubdit Lintas Wilayah mewakili Direktur Penataan Ruang Wilayah I Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum (PU), Bahal Edison Naiborhu dalam Lokakarya Nasional Konservasi Harimau Sumatera, di Jakarta (20/1).
" Getting a long with TIGER "© Erni Suyanti Musabine

A sumatran tiger in the South Bengkulu (June - July 2010)